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26th June, 2019

Yoga Day 2019

Yoga Day At Anand Niketan Satellite Campus

Yoga Day and Music Day share the same genesis, both sharing the 21st of June as their celebrations date. Anand Niketan Satellite campus combined the two to form a delightful ‘jugalbandi’ of Yoga and music to celebrate them in tandem. The school has been celebrating “Yoga Day,” from the year it was initiated by our honourable Prime Minister Shree Narendra Modi way back in 2015 but this year it was the first time that the school also observed ‘Music Day.’ Both Yoga and Music have been an integral part of the school, Ms. Nashy Chauhan, Director of the School, firmly believes that a school can be considered to deliver a complete education to a child only when the education, apart from academics and sports, also includes music.

“It is only then that the child blossoms. We here at the school, feel that music is an important part of a child’s development and have incorporated it as a part of the curriculum in a big way and have very skilled and proficient teachers to support our endeavour”,  she added. The children and staff dressed in their sports wear presented a sea of picturesque serenity and it was astounding to see them perform even such difficult asanas like Kati Chakrasana, Vrikshasana, Bhujangasana and Ardhachakrasana with consummate ease. The students performed the asanas to the strains of beautiful music that wafted across the campus….the jugalbandi, of yoga in conjunction with music and nature was a treat to the senses and reflected the amount of effort and time that the staff and students must have put into making it such a grand spectacle.  The Yoga session for all the grades were overseen by the school’s trained and qualified yoga and gymnastics instructor Ms Meghna Zala, who is also an International Yoga referee. Director Anand Niketan Group of schools, Ms Nashy Chauhan said that “This was a great initiative taken by our beloved Prime Minister, giving the world an invaluable gift of India's ancient tradition and has certainly raised a passion for fitness and yoga across the globe. It helps create an overall harmony of body and mind and is essential for inner and physical growth. Music and Yoga both reflect the rhythm, the harmony and the melody of the mind, body and soul, together they form a beautiful symphony of life and will always remain an essential and central part of the culture of the Anand Niketan Group.”

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