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06th March, 2018

UK-India Year of Culture

Anand Niketan Satellite Campus was host to a distinguished guest Mr. Alan Gemmell, OBE, Director, British Council of India, who was in the city in connection with the UK-India Year of Culture initiative. Addressing the gathering, comprising more than 200 students and staff members of the school, Mr. Gemmell said that "India and the UK have years of shared history and 2017 UK-India Year of Culture, seeks to promote this spirit of cultural partnership. Our future generations must understand and appreciate our past and the path that we have travelled together to reach where we stand today."

He said that he was delighted to meet the Gujarat Chief Minister, Mr. Vijay Rupani and discuss with him ways and means in which the standards of English could be improved in the Municipal Schools here.

Mr. Gemmell launched two apps whilst he was on the school campus. The first of the two apps, 'Mix The City' is an interactive music platform that places the user in the role of a DJ who can use the app to combine and create fusion music of two different regions and then share it online.

The second app, 'Mix The Play' will enable the user to become a director and then use pre-recorded samples, effects, locations and costume options and make a short film or reconstruct existing scenes from plays of William Shakespeare and then post his creations online.

Speaking on the occasion Director of Anand Niketan Group of Schools, Ms. Nashy Chauhan, welcomed the guests and said that she was delighted that they chose Anand Niketan Satellite Campus amongst the few people and institutions that they would visit and she was honoured and privileged to welcome them. She added that it was a proud moment for the school to be associated with such a great campaign.

She said that the campaign would bring new relevance and significance to the bond that both the countries shared. She said that the ties between the two great countries are not only political and economic but also historical and cultural and such initiatives would further enhance and deepen this relationship. She also asked Mr Gemmell that with a view of advancing educational links between the two nations, a student and teacher exchange program should also be looked into.

The program would look into academic and research collaboration in the areas of mutual interest and exchange of academic and scholarly information. Anand Niketan Satellite Campus looks forward to continue an enriching association with the British Council in future too.

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