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10th July, 2019

Super ANTS Do Super Brain Yoga

Enhancing a healthy lifestyle is contagious !

Inculcating a fitness regime apart from regular sports activities in the academic journey of our students has always been a practice in Anand Niketan Satellite campus. Mundane P.T. exercises are replaced with an assortment of physical activities like yoga, zumba, meditation to name a few. While ensuring the body remains fit throughout the year, a simple method called Super Brain Yoga that enhances brain functioning to increase intellectual capacity, was introduced with a particular class so that the brain is energized too!

A scientifically validated technique, it worked wonders with this group of Grade 3 children by gradually sharpening their memory and improving concentration. This practice is based on the principles of subtle energy and ear acupuncture. Improving creativity, promoting a healthy brain, relieving stress …. the list of benefits goes on.

From one particular grade to the whole school now, this has now become a part of morning routine and students enthusiastically commence this exercise alongwith their teachers spreading energy all around as they activate both the hemispheres of the brain. It’s a life skill that provides learners with truly rewarding experiences, empowering them for life!

Just like we exercise our bodies and nurture the muscles of our body, Super Brain Yoga does the same for our Brain. It helps the energy trapped in the lower parts of the body to rise to the brain, improving intelligence and creativity.

“A simple squatting exercise, Super Brain Yoga does not involve any twisting and turning of the body. It takes good care of our brain which is a super marvel and works very well for hyper active children, teams, old people, autistic people and people with ADD/ADHT. Let us all take a cue from these super smart kids and practice this incredible process, requiring no props or gadgets” says Ms. Nashy Chauhan, Director, Anand Niketan Group of Schools.

Ms. Jigna Zaveri
Anand Niketan
Satellite Campus

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