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09th August, 2024

National Yogasana Sports Achievement 2024

Flipping their Way to Victory

Anand Niketan Satellite Campus takes great pride in announcing the achievement of  100% result in National Yogasana Sports at Haryana in the month of July '2024.
 The enthusiastic participants were -
Yohan Pandya    3 Ina
Rahini Pandya     5 Ina
Samaira Kakkad   4 Ina
Ananya Parikh     4 Exp
Akshika Parikh   Gr 4 L

Samaira kakkad bagged the 5th position in Individual Championship
Yohan Pandya was Selected for Best of the Best Round

Results of the NWR Yogasana Championship held at SGVP also are worth a mention and applause -

Vriti Shah Gr 6
Gold medal

Sia Dobriya  Gr 6.
5th place

Shanaya Kedia Gr 6
5th place

Zenika Vasant  Gr 6
6th place (substitute)

Virika Bhakkad.  Gr 6
6th palce(Substitute)

All the above students have been selected for the National championship .

Congratulations all the winners !

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