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12th December, 2023

Memorable Night out @ school for Grade 5 Students

Memorable Night out @ school  for Grade 5 Students

Grade 5 students had successful , joyous and unforgettable night stay event at Anand Niketan Satellite Campus on Friday , 8th Jan ‘23. This unique experience, filled with camaraderie and exciting activities, aimed to create lasting memories and foster a sense of community among our young learners.

The students finished with their regular school till 1.30 pm and then changed into casual clothes , all set to kick start their night out at the school campus .

The night stay commenced with an array of outdoor games, providing students with an opportunity to engage in physical activities and team-building exercises. Laughter and cheers echoed across the campus as students participated in friendly competitions and challenges.

The highlight of the evening was a captivating talent show, where our talented Grade 5 students showcased their diverse skills, ranging from singing and dancing to magic tricks and poetry recitations. The amphitheater was alive with applause and encouragement, creating an atmosphere of celebration and appreciation.

As the night progressed, students gathered around a bonfire, sharing stories and enjoying the warmth of the flames. The ambience was further enhanced by a dance session, allowing students to groove to their favourite tunes under the starlit sky.

To conclude the night, an outdoor movie screening in the amphitheater provided a cinematic experience under the open sky. Students relished the opportunity to unwind, surrounded by the comforting company of their teachers and peers .

They did not sleep until the early morning hours and were awake again around 6 am for their morning sports followed by a hearty breakfast and then dispersal .

It was a memorable night with students delightfully proclaiming that it was the best day and night of their lives .

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