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12th December, 2023

Inter house Poetry Recitation Competition

Inter house Poetry Recitation Competition

 An Inter-House Poetry Recitation Competition,showcasing the literary talents of our young students in Grades 5 and 6 was held on Friday , 8th Dec’23 in the school amphitheater.

This competition aimed to foster a love for poetry, encourage public speaking skills, and provide students with a platform to express their creativity. The event featured 2  participants from each house, competing with their original creations , poems written by the participants themselves , that reflected their unique perspectives and artistic flair.

Ms Reshmi Ghosh , Headmistress, International section and Ms Sonal Narang , Vice Principal , Anand Niketan Satellite Campus evaluated the participants based on criteria such as expression, articulation, and overall presentation.

The winners of the competition were -
1st position - Kavish Sangal - Gr 5( Agni house ) and Advik Singh - Gr 6 ( Vaayu house )
2nd position - Vivaan Bhatia - Gr 5 (Jal house ) and Aarna Shah - Gr 6 ( Jal house )
3rd position - Aarav Pandya - Gr 6 ( Prithvi house )

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