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20th July, 2023

Grand Investiture Ceremony Held At Anand Niketan, Satellite Campus

Old Order Changeth, Yielding Place To New: Grand Investiture Ceremony Held At Anand Niketan, Satellite Campus


At the very onset of the academic year 2023-24, Anand Niketan Satellite Campus hosted one of the most important events , the Investiture Ceremony, wherein the school formally entrusted faith and hope in the newly appointed school council. It heralded a buoyant commencement to the new academic year, with students in their resplendent best, joining together with parents and staff members, to participate in the impressive and imposing ceremony.  The Student Council induction is a memorable day for all office bearers, a proud moment to stand as leaders before their fellow mates. Nashy Ma’am, Director, Anand Niketan Group of Schools, led the oath taking ceremony and enabled the leaders, making them realize their duties and responsibilities. Capable and deserving candidates were conferred with the positions of Head Boy, Head Girl, Deputy Head Boy, Deputy Head Girl, House Captains ,Sports Captains, Senior Prefects and Junior Prefects. Student volunteers were also appointed in the important roles of responsibility as a member of the DCS Squad – to look into the areas of Discipline, Cleanliness and Safety in the school. The school echoed with the powerful words of the oath when the new cabinet members were bestowed with the responsibility and authority of leading the school for the new academic year. They all pledged to lead by example and set the highest standards of effort and integrity by promising faithful allegiance to the school and doing their duties to the best of their abilities .


Every year on this occasion, the school also recognizes and felicitates its students who made the school proud and stand as an exemplar for their academic achievements in the Board Examinations. Speaking on the occasion, Director Nashy Chauhan welcomed the assembled guests and thanked the outgoing team for their outstanding contributions. She said that they had set a great example that the new members could learn from and emulate.  She said that good leaders were trailblazers, making a path for others to follow. She counselled the newly chosen student cabinet and asked them to lead with honesty, dedication, self-assurance and competence. She also advised them on the importance of teamwork, co-ordination and fellowship. The newly elected members assured her that they would continue to do their best and uphold the grand traditions and values of their beloved school. The ceremony ended with the students joining the staff and guests for coffee and snacks.


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