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21st April, 2020

Distant Learning while Social Distancing

Covid 19 makes us panic stricken; the lockdown strategy seems to have taken complete control over our lifestyle ...... but in many ways the present situation has slowed down the pace of the fast world, and compelled us to contemplate on and realize the simpler life and the rich values that were on the verge of perishing - Bonding with our own family members through sharing responsibilities in the household chores, eating together , playing together and enjoying family connection – the real quality time with family ; learning how not to get bored – enjoying the golden habits of reading good books, gardening, expressing through writing and many more; and above all, being a more empathetic human being and understanding what really matters in this life!

Everything is changing across the globe, and so is education. Education looks a lot different than it did a month ago. It is, in fact, impossible to shift to remote learning overnight without lots of trial and error. But our teachers at Anand Niketan International have done their best to adjust to this new and unsettled world – and this is what makes them so special!

Our teachers have once again proved, no matter what, they are on duty as educators 24X7, mentoring and guiding through online classes and balancing home and profession simultaneously with their trademark smile. Obstacles have been there, but our highly competitive teachers have tried to look for strategies as fast as the problems appeared.

The teachers of Grades 1&2 are regularly posting unique and creative videos to keep the students engaged in some productive tasks while Grade 3 onwards the teachers are taking recap and teaching sessions through online classes. The teachers for the board classes, Grades 10, 11 and 12, have to see to it that the syllabus keeps moving ahead at the required pace while also keeping in mind the needs of all the students. There are some students who get their doubts clarified but there are also some students who are introverts. The teachers are keeping detailed records of each session conducted by them, annotating it with all the changes they have had to make in how they delivered their lecture, how they communicated with the students, how they rearranged assessments, and so on. The high school students have also been doing their best and giving teachers the strength to surge ahead.

We are also very appreciative of the support extended by Cambridge International during these testing times. They have been constantly helping Cambridge schools and learners by sharing free resources and study tips to help in delivering effective teaching and learning outside the classroom.

The hardest part of teaching remotely is the loss of regular contact with students - to build relationships with them and that one-on-one, face-to-face interaction – that is a big part of school, but the show must go on. Team Anand Niketan International Satellite is committed to a continuity of learning during uncertainty, helping everyone have positive learning experiences. Challenges are there but with constant support from the management and parents, no hurdles seem impossible. Kudos to the entire team of Anand Niketan International Satellite!!

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