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24th December, 2018

Design for Change

Cleanliness and hygiene play a vital role in supporting our lives. By keeping the environment clean, we not only save the lives of our fellow beings but also our own nature. The air we inhale, the water we drink and the natural foods we devour, all need to be maintained for our health.

We, the middle-schoolers were thrown a challenge by our teachers as to how could we, as responsible citizens,contribute to this cause. Our minds set working: giving away to innumerable ideas. We finally zeroed in on a fantastic one: Designing litter bins after all. "BE THE CHANGE YOU WISH TO SEE IN THE WORLD" - Mahatma Gandhi

These litter-bins can be kept in the vehicles and can be used by the citizens. They help the polluters to realize their mistakes and implement changes in themselves.

These litter-bins are made in various shapes and sizes and once they are made, we will be going around the neighbourhood gifting these litter-bins to the oblivious drivers who do not care about our country and keep littering and spitting or throwing garbage around the city.

Demanding a clean and green India does not lead to any changes. We must be the ones to implement and make our nation clean and beautiful.

By Students of gr 6
Navika Kapoor
Manya Shah
Ahana Khare

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