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04th August, 2018

Book Release of GITA

Anand Niketan Satellite Campus recently organised a "Book-Release" event on 4th August, 2018, which was graced by many dignitaries including Mr. Jayesh Patel, Ms. Anar Patel, Mr. Bhayesh Jha, and the author herself, "Mrs Sonal Sachdev Patel". The event started with the auspicious lighting of the lamp, accompanied by a prayer, thus leading to the introduction of the book by Mr. Kanav Agnihotri - Marketing Head, Harper Collins. Very aptly, he deliberated on the message of the Bhagvad Gita and compared the characters of Krishna and Arjuna to modern day mentors and mentees. This was followed by a captivating book reading session by Ms. Patel complemented with her childhood experiences with the Gita.

Being a UK-based author of British-Asian origin, her myriad interests range from philanthropy to addressing human rights' issues, practicing meditation and being a successful parent as well as a caring daughter.

As the author began talking about the book titled GITA-The Battle of the Worlds, co-authored by her friend, "Ms Jemma Wayne-Kattan", she emphasized on the reason for writing this book. She talked about how her mother used to read the Holy Scripture every morning and how her family idolized its teachings while bringing up all the children.

The story talks about a young boy, named Dev, who possesses an embittered personality, due to the various problems, that he is burdened with after the death of his father. Then, one day, he encounters a small pixie, named Sanjay, who claims to have recognized the commencement of a dreadful battle, going on inside Dev's body. Sanjay tells Dev, that he is not yet acquainted with the totality of life and the ultimate truth. He goes into Dev's body to give him a glance into the lessons of life.

The ideals of Bhagavad Gita which are soul-pinching as well as soothing are imbibed in this story. According to the author, the war between Pandavas and Kauravas is a metaphor for the war between the good and the evil side of an individual. However, each person is an Arjun, i.e, a hidden warrior, who lets the whispers of courage and determination, creep into the individual's soul.

The main session was followed by the releasing of the book and the "Question-Hour", where, we, the students asked several questions to her, revolving around the book. Some excerpts from the Q/A session are as follows:

Today’s generation, lucky to be born in a world of facilities and luxuries, is connected to their roots in a manner, very different from their forefathers. They try to enquire about their heritage but many-a time, it happens, that children abroad get severed from their roots due to distance. Even I’m trying hard to keep my kids, connected to Indian culture. But the book facilitates, in sowing the seeds of Hindu Mythology, among the children worldwide, through a story.

It was, overall, not a difficult task on hand, as we had the interpretation of Gita by our Guru, with us. Nevertheless, we faced difficulties while penning down chapters, when there would be a problem of coverage as many morals would be missed out due to the vast information that the Bhagavad Gita has to offer.

As far as today’s world is concerned, I definitely believe that it functions according to the ideals of Gita as the laws on which mankind operates, were framed by Lord Krishna, aeons and aeons ago. Though not everywhere, the influence is seen, but at most of the places, certainly Gita comes into action.

As an active member of the global community, I undoubtedly feel that today’s generation, will definitely be impressed by Gita’s ideals as, it does not lecture them as to what they should do, but it explains them what they can do, without any complex preachings."

Thus, post the Q/A session, the guests as well as the students were taken for refreshments, to discuss things further, on a one-to-one basis, over a cup of coffee.

To conclude, I enjoyed the session very much and I look forward to more such insightful events.
I thank my school for giving me this delightful opportunity.

Helly Nayak (Grade 11 - Humanities)
Anand Niketan Satellite Campus

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