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30th July, 2022

Ants Chemistry Bazaar

Chemistry is a complicated and different subject for most students initially but if taught in a practical manner, can prove to be a learning for life.

The Grade 6 students of Anand Niketan Satellite Campus came up with an innovative way to showcase their creative chemistry skills by setting up a   “Chemistry Bazaar” under the guidance of their chemistry teachers Ms. Preeti Harisinghani and Ms Karishma Virani. The Bazaar was put up on 21st of July, 2022 as a Formative Assessment activity.

All the teachers and students were invited to the bazaar to get enriched about the presence of Chemistry all around us . The objective of this activity was to know more about the application of Chemistry and its relevant fields in detail with a touch and feel experience through the display in the bazaar. There were different stalls representing various fields of Chemistry such as textiles, cosmetics, medicines, building materials: including cement, POP, silicones, food preservation and agriculture. Students also demonstrated how soaps and detergents work to clean away the dirt and also emphasised on the importance of personal hygiene.

 Some students personified as a  few scientists by getting dressed and shared their contribution to mankind with immense confidence.

Each field was depicted by a separate stall showcasing a range of items, their utility and chemical perspective. A group of students represented their respective stalls and described their display materials meticulously. They all had their own unique way to entertain the attendees.

Some stalls made them play games, some had a quiz and the others shared some fun facts. All these activities helped in identifying the strength of the students and also brought a sense of responsibility and boosted their self confidence.

“The presentations and demonstrations were extremely meaningful and informative . Even I got to learn a lot from these students. It amazed me to discover how Chemistry is an integral part of our everyday routine ‘, observed Ms Nashy Chauhan, Director , Anand Niketan Group of Schools .



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